
Call the police emergency number - 110 - immediately!

On a cell phone, 110 works without an area code, even if the prepaid card is empty.

After dialing 110:

Tell the police that you are threatened by domestic violence
Give your name and address where you are staying
Open the front door if it is safe to do so.

After the police arrive:

The police can immediately order the offender out of the home and ban them from returning for 10 days. You have the right to stay in your home alone with your children. If you do not want to stay in your home, you can also contact the Düren women's shelter on: 02421 - 17355


If you are not in an acute violent situation but want to leave your home:

Get support from people you trust

Always take your children with you!

Pack an emergency kit with you:

* money
* important documents:

- passports

- your husband's last three payslips

- SGB II notice (SGB II-Bescheid)

- child benefit notice (Kindergeld-Bescheid)

- health insurance cards (Krankenversicherungskarten)


If you are unable to stay temporarily with friends, acquaintances or family, you can call the women's shelter in Düren on 02421 - 17355 and ask to be taken in.


The women's shelter is available day and night.The address is secret for security reasons.

You will be called to a meeting point and picked up there.

If the Düren shelter is occupied, you will be given the telephone numbers of available shelters.

[ Link ]

On request a dragoman can be called in.

...you are in an acute violence situation:

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